A practical toothbrush with rechargeable herbal heads and a durable well-made metallic hand!
1 Hura herbal toothbrush ( 1 Hard-anodized surgical-grade Aluminum alloy metal hand + 1 Head)
3 Extra heads (toothbrush plants)
1 Hura container (recyclable)
1 Hura guide
How to use …?

1: Put one Hura toothbrush head in the handle and twist it clockwise to fix it.
2: Soak the head in fresh water to moisten (1 minute).
3: Chew the toothbrush head gently to form bristles (brush-like).
4: Simply brush your teeth in up-down motions by Rotating the handle between your fingers. Do not press too hard. finally, finally, brush your tongue as well.
5: wash and dry your toothbrush and keep it in the “Hura clean holder”. Change the toothbrush head Every 2 weeks and repeat the steps!